China Crisis

Whilst the current COVID-19 is a Tragedy and Mystery and there appear to be No More Blue Horizons with Every Day the Same, is it Wishful Thinking that we may see a Red Letter Day soon or is it still a Best Kept Secret?

There is something I want you all to tell Everyone You Know…and here is the serious bit:

As founders of EVOLUTION, we have taken the decision that EVOLUTION will NOT ACTIVELY SELL any products from any Chinese registered manufacturer. Most of you will know that we have been anti the slow creep of Chinese products into our industry for many years but the current crisis has crystalised our position. The recent spate of Chinese CCTV manufacturers now offering a miracle cure to COVID-19 with their “Fever-Screening” cameras only makes the whole situation even more worrying.

We are aware that it is now impossible to buy many things that don’t have some element of Chinese product in them but we disagree with the Chinese State Government’s ethics and for this reason EVOLUTION will play it’s extremely small part in slowing their expansion across the Globe.

Richard Lambert & John Wust

 PS. For those younger readers…..China Crisis are an English new wave and synth-pop band. They were formed in 1979 in Kirkby, near Liverpool, Merseyside and the song titles are theirs.